Decode JSON data.
app [main] { cli: platform "https://github.com/roc-lang/basic-cli/releases/download/0.16.0/O00IPk-Krg_diNS2dVWlI0ZQP794Vctxzv0ha96mK0E.tar.br", json: "https://github.com/lukewilliamboswell/roc-json/releases/download/0.10.1/jozYCvOqoYa-cV6OdTcxw3uDGn61cLvzr5dK1iKf1ag.tar.br", } import cli.Stdout import json.Json import Decode exposing [fromBytesPartial] main = requestBody = Str.toUtf8 "{\"Image\":{\"Animated\":false,\"Height\":600,\"Ids\":[116,943,234,38793],\"Thumbnail\":{\"Height\":125,\"Url\":\"http:\\/\\/www.example.com\\/image\\/481989943\",\"Width\":100},\"Title\":\"View from 15th Floor\",\"Width\":800}}" # This { fieldNameMapping: PascalCase } setting translates # incoming JSON fields from PascalCase (first letter capitalized) # to camelCase (first letter uncapitalized), which is what # Roc field names always use. decoder = Json.utf8With { fieldNameMapping: PascalCase } decoded : DecodeResult ImageRequest decoded = fromBytesPartial requestBody decoder when decoded.result is Ok record -> Stdout.line "Successfully decoded image, title:\"$(record.image.title)\"" Err _ -> Task.err (Exit 1 "Error, failed to decode image") ImageRequest : { image : { width : I64, height : I64, title : Str, thumbnail : { url : Str, height : F32, width : F32, }, animated : Bool, ids : List U32, }, }
Run this from the directory that has main.roc
in it:
is used here because of https://github.com/roc-lang/roc/issues/3609
$ roc main.roc --linker=legacy Successfully decoded image, title:"View from 15th Floor"