Importing a Package from a Module

You probably know how to use a package in an app, for example with the unicode package:

app [main!] {
    cli: platform "",
    unicode: "",

But how can you use a package in a module? All dependencies go in the app file!

So we have the app file just like before:

### start snippet header
app [main!] {
    cli: platform "",
    unicode: "",
### end snippet header

import cli.Stdout
import Module

main! = |_args|
    |> Inspect.to_str
    |> Stdout.line!

And we put the unicode import in the module:

module [split_graphemes]

import unicode.Grapheme

split_graphemes = |string| Grapheme.split(string)


Run this from the directory that has main.roc in it:

$ roc main.roc
(Ok ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"])